jQuery Plugins » Effect https://jqueryplugins.info jQuery plugins, tutorials and resources Wed, 19 Oct 2011 11:13:08 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.2.1 need help atleast with the name of the jquery effect https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/10/need-help-atleast-with-the-name-of-the-jquery-effect/ https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/10/need-help-atleast-with-the-name-of-the-jquery-effect/#comments Sat, 15 Oct 2011 14:14:18 +0000 Admin https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/10/need-help-atleast-with-the-name-of-the-jquery-effect/ Post link: need help atleast with the name of the jquery effect

Hi first and foremost not the type of guy to expect people to hand me the code..I don’t mind searching, reading, learning and applying. But this one I am stumped...

Post link: need help atleast with the name of the jquery effect

Hi first and foremost not the type of guy to expect people to hand me the code..I don’t mind searching, reading, learning and applying. But this one I am stumped because I don’t know what this effect is called. this site has an awesome effect when you click on the menu the full screen image is covered but in 3 layers? Any help with this I would really appreciate it. :)

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How can I animate a css3 drop shadow to give the effect an element is moving away from the screen https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/10/how-can-i-animate-a-css3-drop-shadow-to-give-the-effect-an-element-is-moving-away-from-the-screen/ https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/10/how-can-i-animate-a-css3-drop-shadow-to-give-the-effect-an-element-is-moving-away-from-the-screen/#comments Fri, 07 Oct 2011 05:18:09 +0000 Admin https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/10/how-can-i-animate-a-css3-drop-shadow-to-give-the-effect-an-element-is-moving-away-from-the-screen/ Post link: How can I animate a css3 drop shadow to give the effect an element is moving away from the screen

I would like to increase the x,y values of the css3 shadow from 0,0px to 20,20px so that it appears to be picked up from the screen. I would like...

Post link: How can I animate a css3 drop shadow to give the effect an element is moving away from the screen

I would like to increase the x,y values of the css3 shadow from 0,0px to 20,20px so that it appears to be picked up from the screen.

I would like to apply this animation effect to the ui-sortable-helper element, which appears as I start moving a draggable element from a sortable list.

CSS for the ui-sortable-helper

    box-shadow:         10px 10px 27px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.30);
    -moz-box-shadow:    10px 10px 27px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.30);
    -webkit-box-shadow: 10px 10px 27px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.30);

Sortable containers, and the draggable element events currently in place.

$  ('.task-bucket').sortable({
  connectWith: '.task-bucket',

  //When the sorting starts, get the id of the parent to the current element
  start: function(event, ui){
    //Get the current position of the element
    start = getPos(ui.item);

  //When the sorting has stopped, get the id of the parent to the current element
  stop: function(event, ui) {
    //Get the current position of the element
    stop = getPos(ui.item);
    socketManager.emit('move-task', {from: start, to : stop});

//Make .task elements draggable, and connect them to the sortable buckets
$  ('.task').draggable({
  connectToSortable: '.task-bucket'

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https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/10/how-can-i-animate-a-css3-drop-shadow-to-give-the-effect-an-element-is-moving-away-from-the-screen/feed/ 0
Getting a nice transition effect with jquery, php sessions and a page refresh? https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/10/getting-a-nice-transition-effect-with-jquery-php-sessions-and-a-page-refresh/ https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/10/getting-a-nice-transition-effect-with-jquery-php-sessions-and-a-page-refresh/#comments Fri, 07 Oct 2011 01:13:59 +0000 Admin https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/10/getting-a-nice-transition-effect-with-jquery-php-sessions-and-a-page-refresh/ Post link: Getting a nice transition effect with jquery, php sessions and a page refresh?

I am looking to make a nice transition effect for a dynamic user layout system I have created. My layout relies on a session being either the value of 1...

Post link: Getting a nice transition effect with jquery, php sessions and a page refresh?

I am looking to make a nice transition effect for a dynamic user layout system I have created.

My layout relies on a session being either the value of 1 or 2, I then call the layout using a switch statement.

switch ($  _SESSION['layout']) {

    case 1: break;
    case 2: break;

I have also created a button that they can click to change the layout using ajax. The jquery for this is like so:

$  ('#changeLayout').click(function() {

    $  .ajax({data: {changeLayout: 'mainLayout'}});
    $  ('#fluidWrap').fadeOut();
    setTimeout(function() {
        window.location = 'http://www.example.com/preferences';
    }, 1000);
return false;

The ajax is as follows:

if ($  _SESSION['layout'] == 1) {

    $  q = $  dbc -> prepare("UPDATE layout SET layout = 2 WHERE id = ?");
    $  q -> execute(array($  _SESSION['id']));
    $  _SESSION['layout'] = '2';
else {
    $  q = $  dbc -> prepare("UPDATE layout SET layout = 1 WHERE id = ?");
    $  q -> execute(array($  _SESSION['id']));
    $  _SESSION['layout'] = '1';

Now at the minute when the user clicks the button to change the layout the div #fluidWrap fades out, the ajax request has 1 second to change the session data and add it to the database, and the page reloads. All works well.

I was wondering how I can improve on this to maybe make a transition effect where the page slides out and slides back in again, how would I go about doing this?

I can’t add an effect with jquery for the div #fluidWrap to fade in, as on every load of the page it will of course fade in. How can I tell jquery to only fade in the body if the button was clicked after a page load?

newest questions tagged jquery – Stack Overflow

https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/10/getting-a-nice-transition-effect-with-jquery-php-sessions-and-a-page-refresh/feed/ 0
Implementing jQuery shake effect on .animate() https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/10/implementing-jquery-shake-effect-on-animate/ https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/10/implementing-jquery-shake-effect-on-animate/#comments Sat, 01 Oct 2011 22:13:04 +0000 Admin https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/10/implementing-jquery-shake-effect-on-animate/ Post link: Implementing jQuery shake effect on .animate()

I am trying to implement a shake effect while the .animate() function is executing. And I want that shake effect to stop when the following function fires. Here is my...

Post link: Implementing jQuery shake effect on .animate()

I am trying to implement a shake effect while the .animate() function is executing. And I want that shake effect to stop when the following function fires. Here is my code:

    angel.animate({ // shake effect here
        top: y,
        left: x
    }, 520, function () { // stop shake effect here
        // alert("lose");
        $  ('.bug').attr('src', 'img/blood.png');
        //explode the dream
        explode(x, y, dream);
        //you lose

newest questions tagged jquery – Stack Overflow

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understanding effect of jquery statement https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/09/understanding-effect-of-jquery-statement/ https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/09/understanding-effect-of-jquery-statement/#comments Thu, 29 Sep 2011 03:16:30 +0000 Admin https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/09/understanding-effect-of-jquery-statement/ Post link: understanding effect of jquery statement

I was looking for an easy way to get the contents of a jquery element and came across this page: http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com/2009/02/how-to-get-full-html-string-including.html It has the following code var html = $...

Post link: understanding effect of jquery statement

I was looking for an easy way to get the contents of a jquery element and came across this page: http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com/2009/02/how-to-get-full-html-string-including.html

It has the following code

var html = $  ('<div>').append($  ('#top').clone()).remove().html();

Their explanation is as follows:

1) Cloning selected div

2) Creating a new div DOM object and appending created clone of the div

3) Then getting the contents of wrapped div (which would give us all HTML)

4) Finally removing the created DOM object, so it does not clutter our DOM tree.

My question are as follows:
1) it looks like the first thing this does is create a new div that is not attached to the dom, so why does it need to have the “remove” call?
2) I understand why it doesn’t come up for this example, but in general is there much difference between doing

A:  $  ('<div>').append('<span>foobar</span>')
B:  $  ('<div><span>foobar</span></div>)

newest questions tagged jquery – Stack Overflow

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How can I achieve a slot macine spinning effect with css3 & jquery https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/09/how-can-i-achieve-a-slot-macine-spinning-effect-with-css3-jquery/ https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/09/how-can-i-achieve-a-slot-macine-spinning-effect-with-css3-jquery/#comments Mon, 19 Sep 2011 03:13:58 +0000 Admin https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/09/how-can-i-achieve-a-slot-macine-spinning-effect-with-css3-jquery/ Post link: How can I achieve a slot macine spinning effect with css3 & jquery

I am creating a demo application that randomly selects a venue when a button is clicked. Once the button is clicked I want to have a slot machine spinning animation...

Post link: How can I achieve a slot macine spinning effect with css3 & jquery

I am creating a demo application that randomly selects a venue when a button is clicked. Once the button is clicked I want to have a slot machine spinning animation happen before a venue is selected using css3 and jquery.

I thought about using -webkit-keyframes and changing the background position but can’t seem to get it right.

@-webkit-keyframes spin{
  0% { background-position: 0, 0 0; }
  100% { background-position: 0, 0 -640px; }

Can anyone give me any insight on how this can be achieved? Here is what I have so far http://jsfiddle.net/Uryay/1/ .Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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flickering effect happening when trying to use show() and hide() https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/09/flickering-effect-happening-when-trying-to-use-show-and-hide/ https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/09/flickering-effect-happening-when-trying-to-use-show-and-hide/#comments Tue, 06 Sep 2011 23:16:26 +0000 Admin https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/09/flickering-effect-happening-when-trying-to-use-show-and-hide/ Post link: flickering effect happening when trying to use show() and hide()

I am trying to create a tooltip function for a webpage I am building. I have a table of elements and one of the columns contains a short description. I...

Post link: flickering effect happening when trying to use show() and hide()

I am trying to create a tooltip function for a webpage I am building. I have a table of elements and one of the columns contains a short description. I am trying to create an effect where a user hovers over the short description and I display the full description from a hidden div tag.

The hover effect is working however if I move down to the next row outside of the orginal div tag, the jquery gets into a confused state and flickers and doesnt allow me to mouse over to view the description of the row below.

If I mouse upwards it works fine.

My jquery function looks like

$  ('.alarms-desc').live('mouseover mouseout', function (event) {
var target = $  (this).find(".tooltip");
if (event.type == "mouseout") {
if (event.type == "mouseover") {


My css looks like

.tooltip {
margin:0 10px 1em 0;
border:1px solid #e1e1e1;
background-color: #DCDCDC;
border: solid 1px #DCDCDC;
border-radius: 4px;
-moz-border-radius: 4px;
max-width: 500px;
position: absolute;

display: block;

Some of the html

<div id="AD_40ba5b52-8a8e-40cf-99e3-fbb9cbea8863" class="alarms-desc">

My short descrip 1
<div id="tool_40ba5b52-8a8e-40cf-99e3-fbb9cbea8863" class="tooltip">This is my long    description that extends a long way.............................</div>
<div id="AD_40ba5b52-8a8e-40cf-99e3-fbb9cbea8864" class="alarms-desc">

 My short descrip 2
 <div id="tool_40ba5b52-8a8e-40cf-99e3-fbb9cbea8864" class="tooltip">This is my long description that extends a long way.............................</div>
 <div id="AD_40ba5b52-8a8e-40cf-99e3-fbb9cbea8865" class="alarms-desc">

  My short descrip 3
 <div id="tool_40ba5b52-8a8e-40cf-99e3-fbb9cbea8865" class="tooltip">This is my long description that extends a long way.............................</div>

Any suggestions what I need to change?

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How can I unbind the hover opacity effect of a text link when it is clicked? https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/09/how-can-i-unbind-the-hover-opacity-effect-of-a-text-link-when-it-is-clicked/ https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/09/how-can-i-unbind-the-hover-opacity-effect-of-a-text-link-when-it-is-clicked/#comments Thu, 01 Sep 2011 02:15:13 +0000 Admin https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/09/how-can-i-unbind-the-hover-opacity-effect-of-a-text-link-when-it-is-clicked/ Post link: How can I unbind the hover opacity effect of a text link when it is clicked?

How can I unbind the hover opacity effect of a text link when it is clicked? For instance, a.test { text-decoration:none; } a.test:hover { text-decoration:none; opacity:0.6 !important; -ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=60)"; filter:alpha(opacity=60) !important;...

Post link: How can I unbind the hover opacity effect of a text link when it is clicked?

How can I unbind the hover opacity effect of a text link when it is clicked?

For instance,

a.test {

a.test:hover {
    opacity:0.6 !important;
    filter:alpha(opacity=60) !important;

<a href="#" class="test">Click Me</a>

$  (".test").click(function(){
   $  (this).unbind('mouseenter mouseleave');
   return false;

I don’t want that opacity hover effect when it is clicked.

Here is the link.


I would prefer a solution without hack classes. Is it possible?

newest questions tagged jquery – Stack Overflow

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What programming languages are required to develop a website that is based on the carousel effect? https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/08/what-programming-languages-are-required-to-develop-a-website-that-is-based-on-the-carousel-effect/ https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/08/what-programming-languages-are-required-to-develop-a-website-that-is-based-on-the-carousel-effect/#comments Wed, 31 Aug 2011 12:45:55 +0000 Admin https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/08/what-programming-languages-are-required-to-develop-a-website-that-is-based-on-the-carousel-effect/ Post link: What programming languages are required to develop a website that is based on the carousel effect?

Question by Curious: What programming languages are required to develop a website that is based on the carousel effect? Essentially, I would like to have a site built for me...

Post link: What programming languages are required to develop a website that is based on the carousel effect?

Question by Curious: What programming languages are required to develop a website that is based on the carousel effect?
Essentially, I would like to have a site built for me but need to figure out the specifications of the project (what programming languages are required and whether it is possible).

The site would have a square division in the middle. I would want next and previous arrows outside of this division. Clicking the arrows will slide the division left or right, out of view, and smoothly bring in a new division (like a carousel effect). However, it’s not an image carousel. I would like each division to have its own content. For example, the first square would be a blog, the next, a catalog, and the next a thumbnail gallery. Is this possible? AJAX? PHP? Javascript? Are there any particular libraries I should have in mind? Jquery?
Thank you for the suggestions thus far. I do know that something like this can be done outside of flash and would prefer to keep it as such.

Also, is it possible to have a wordpress installation in one of these, slideable divisions?

Best answer:

Answer by wormy
carousel?? simple html will do. i dont know what carousel effect is

What do you think? Answer below!

https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/08/what-programming-languages-are-required-to-develop-a-website-that-is-based-on-the-carousel-effect/feed/ 2
Animate css effect – JQuery https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/08/animate-css-effect-jquery/ https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/08/animate-css-effect-jquery/#comments Sun, 28 Aug 2011 08:16:28 +0000 Admin https://jqueryplugins.info/2011/08/animate-css-effect-jquery/ Post link: Animate css effect – JQuery

I have a table. The row is given specific height and overflow is set to hidden. On click, the row will expand down showing hidden contents. I have done this...

Post link: Animate css effect – JQuery

I have a table. The row is given specific height and overflow is set to hidden. On click, the row will expand down showing hidden contents. I have done this using toggle method. The styling is altered to show contents. This works perfect. But I want to add some sliding animation effect to this. The expansion of row happens immediately after I click it. Instead, I want this to happen in a smooth animated format, like in some jquery menus. Also I want to hide one open row if another row expands.

You can see a working fddle Here

Thanks in advance.

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