why not all html can get into twitter bootstrap popover data-content?

I want to create a pop-over with 3 bottons inside it. Is it possible? I have tried the following:

    attachment_img ='<div class="well"> <a class="attachments-popover" href="#" title="name: '+res.Attachments[i].Name+'" rel="popover" data-content="<a href="#">hover for popover</a> bla bla" /><img border=0 src="'+file_types_lookup[res.Attachments[i].AttachmentTypeId].IconUrl+'" onclick="Attachment_onClick(\'' + res.Attachments[i].AttachmentId + '\')" /> </a></div>';

But I got wrong results. The inner link appears above the image and the pop-over was related to the inner link hover, not the image hover. In addition, is there anyway to force the popover to stay when hovering over itself?

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