Recursive JavaScript function using array doesn’t work

I try to make a recursive function to delete files using jQuery and ajax to show the status of the process. The problem is, the first time the function is executed (index 0) everything is fine and the “output” is “1594.jpg”. But when the index is incremented to 1, it’s the second caracter of the chain filesToDelete, ’5′, then ’9′, and so on.

filesToDelete = new Array();
filesToDelete = '1594.jpg,my.png,test.ogg,Song.mp3,,An App.exe';
filesToDelete = filesToDelete.split(',');

function ajaxDelete(itemList, cpt) {
    var tempItemList = itemList;

    //If cpt is not initialized, initialize it, make sure it's an integer
    if(isNaN(cpt)) cpt = 0*1;

    //If cpt is equal to the array, exit
    if(cpt >= itemList.length) return;

    //Current index
    var curIndex = cpt;
    //The value of the current index
    var current = itemList[curIndex];
    console.log('cpt:'+cpt+' index:'+curIndex+'  Value:'+itemList[curIndex]);

    $  .ajax({
        url: "deleteFile.php?id="+current,
        beforeSend: function(){
            progressText('Suppression de '+current);
        success: function(data){
            //Index + 1
            setTimeout("ajaxDelete('"+itemList+"', "+cpt+")",1);

Any help is welcomed, with explanation if possible..

Thanks !

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