jQuery 1.6.2 Replace Text Not Working

I have a bit of jQuery I have been using to set default text in a search box, remove the text when the user enters the search box, and then adds the text again if the search box loses focus. The code is as follows:

//global vars
var searchBox = jQuery("#plc_lt_mpHeaderContent_SiteSearch_txtWord");
var searchBoxDefaultText = "Keyword, Title, Name";

searchBox.val('Keyword, Title, Name');

//searchbox show/hide default text if needed
searchBox.focus(function ()

    if (jQuery(this).attr("value") == searchBoxDefaultText) jQuery(this).attr("value", "");


searchBox.blur(function ()

    if (jQuery(this).attr("value") == "") jQuery(this).attr("value", searchBoxDefaultText);


This code is launched in the jQuery(document).ready(function ()). The issue is that this works as expected in jQuery 1.4.2, but when I try the same code in jQuery 1.6.2 it does not work. I am wondering what I need to do to get it to be compliant with 1.6.2. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

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