phoneGap iPhone app still caching rss feed despite efforts

I have one little problem left with my first iPhone app and the several things I have done to attempt to fix it have been ineffective.

I am pulling an RSS feed from facebook, and have a refresh button hooked up which should be refreshing the feed when pressed… only it isnt refreshing.

I am using javascript for the app and am doing something like this to get and refresh:

function getFeed(){

var feedURL = "url of json txt file on my server"+"?"+ new Date().getTime(); //yes I know this becomes somewhat redundant when using jquery's ajax funtion 

$  .ajax({
    url: feedURL,
    cache: false,
    success: function (data){

            //whole bunch of parsing nonsense


$  ('#refresh').click(function(){

I have also tried $ .ajaxSetup({ cache:false }); to no avail.

At this point I’m not sure if this is just an expected problem with ui-webkit or if its a phonegap thing or what.

is there anything else I can try to get rid of the saved data?

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