Open a new window in a facebox

I am using jQuery facebox to open a new window for authenticating Facebook users with Devise/Omniauth in my rails app.

At first I wanted to simply load this in a div like so:

$  ('#facebook-auth').live 'click', ->
  $  .facebox '<div id="foo"></div>'
  $  ('#foo').load $  (this).attr 'href'

But the problem is that this will not work because there are multiple redirects. The first link opens /auth/facebook, which redirects to, which redirects back to my callback url, which finally redirects to a confirmation page. I need to display the confirmation page to the user. The way I have it working right now is by opening an external window like this:

$  ('#facebook-auth').live 'click', ->
  width = 600
  height = 400
  left = (screen.width / 2) - (width / 2)
  top = (screen.height / 2) - (height / 2) $  (this).attr('href'), 'authPopup', "menubar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,width=#{width},height=#{height},toolbar=no,left=#{left},top=#{top}"

Is there a way for me to open a new window and load its contents in the facebox? Or is there a better approach?

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