How to process a JSON object from $.getJSON with a jQuery Click event?

I am not sure whether this is a silly question… I am trying to sort a JSON array using jQuery click event. The following is a simplified html code which I thought should work:

<SCRIPT type='text/javascript'>

function results(json) {
// display unsorted results in $  ('#results')

$  ('#sort').click(function (json) {
// sort and display results in $  ('#results')

var query = some_query;
var json = new Object();
$  .getJSON(query, results);


<A href='javascript:void(0)' id='sort'>Sort</A>
<DIV id='results'></DIV>

I am getting no response upon clicking the Sort link. When I replace the sort function with alert(json), I get a json is undefined error. Am I missing out something here?

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