Highcharts Datetime axis issue

I’ve setup my highchart options, such that my a-axis uses datetime. My data points are milliseconds and a number (x,y) -> (utcDate,number).

  type: "line",
  name: "Performance",
  data: dataPoints,
  color: "#FF8000"

my options include:

xAxis: {
  type: "datetime",
  dateTimeLabelFormats: {
    day: "%e. %b",
    month: "%b '%y",
    year: "%Y"
  lineWidth: 2

enter image description here

The problem is: I want my chart to show my first and last label: 1. Aug & 31. Aug.

I’ve tried using showFirstTick, showFirstLabel, and pointStart but that doesn’t work. I can’t set the interval, because my chart can show anything from weeks to months to years and would cause too much clutter.

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