Newsletter/mailing list for 3.5/4.0, sql server database , visual studio 2010?

Question by Superchick: Newsletter/mailing list for 3.5/4.0, sql server database , visual studio 2010?
Hi guys

I really need help. My team created a website in visual studio using

My job is creating a newsletter section. Im really having difficulty finding some source code for this. Im not a good coder so I unfortunately cant code it myself. I really need assistance

Can someone please help me? Maybe direct me to a relevant site. Ive been searching for hours and found nothing to assist me

I understand code (kinda), but not an expert.

I want to make a textbox where users enter their email and click submit to subscribe to a newsletter. They get an email to confirm their email address. Thus validation is complete and their email address gets added to the database.

I just suck at coding thats all (yea i know its sad) and most of the source code i found had access etc, which i dont want

Best answer:

Answer by Danny Ocampo
kill bill

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