jQuery Autocomplete Preventing Tags from Being Saved in a WordPress Form

Im trying to use jquery UI autocomplete along with a wordress, front-end form. This was in fact built into the theme i purchased, but i am trying to extend it. The form fields are using autocomplete to give the user lists of tags (custom taxonomies called majors and degrees) so that they can choose them. the autocomplete works fine, but when the user clicks to go to the next step, only whichever the last field they filled out is, saves the data. if i remove the autocomplete and just type in tags, the data from both fields is saved.

This is what those two form fields look like: http://pastebin.com/70RQWrmR

and and here is how the jquery looks. i basically copied it from another place in the theme where it was being used. strangly, it works fine elsewhere, in other similar forms: http://pastebin.com/q3ux2KpJ

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