how to use $.mobile.changePage() to refresh a field on mobile page?

i have no idea on where to start but this is what iv got: it is the home page of my mobile site:

$  pageValue = "dashboard";
$  obj_clean->check_user();

//initialize variables that might be empty
if (empty($  aCleanPost['mood_description']['value'])) $  aCleanPost['mood_description']['value'] = "";
if (empty($  aCleanPost['mood_colour']['value'])) $  aCleanPost['mood_colour']['value'] = "";
if (empty($  aCleanPost['mood']['error'])) $  aCleanPost['mood']['error'] = "";
$  msg = isset($  aCleanPost['message']) ? $  aCleanPost['message'] : "";

if (isset($  aCleanPost['success']))
$  aCleanPost['mood_description']['value'] = "";
$  aCleanPost['mood_colour']['value'] = "";

//success msg
$  msg = "Your mood has been updated";

//Get dynamic data required for this page from the database
$  news = $  obj_clean->getNewsHeadlines();
$  numOfMessages = $  obj_clean->getUnopenedMessagesCount($  _SESSION['user_id']);
$  blocked_users = $  obj_clean->getBlocklistCount($  _SESSION['user_id']);
$  moods = $  obj_clean->getMoodInfo($  _SESSION['user_id']);
$  moodTemp = $  obj_clean->getMoodTemp($  _SESSION['user_id']);
include ("header.php");
<div class="innerContainer">

<span class="headings">WELCOME <?php echo strtoupper($  _SESSION['user_name']); ?></span>
<span class="headings_sub">
    <span class="blue_text">TO RAINBOW</span> CODE <span class="blue_text">...SHINE ON</span>
<?php echo $  msg != "" ? "<font class='errorText'>".$  msg."</font>" : ""; ?>
<form action="<?php echo ADDRESS; ?>profile_search.php?user_id=<?php echo $  _SESSION['user_id']; ?>" method="post" name="search_form">
    <input type="hidden" name="FormName" value="profile_search" />
    <span class="headings_sub"><span class="blue_text">PROFILE SEARCH</span></span><br/>
    <input class="blue_border" type="text" name="search" value="" />
    <input style="border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom; border:none; border: hidden; border-color: #000000;" type="image" src="<?php echo IMAGES; ?>template/go.png" />
<span class="headings2">RAINBOWCODE NEWS</span><br/>
    echo "<img style='vertical-align: bottom; margin-right: 10px;' src='".IMAGES."template/req.png' width='21' height='20' />";

    //as per andre 18/07/2011
    echo "<a href='' class='pink_link'> Rate us! Complete the online questionnaire</a>";
    echo "<br/>";

    //echo "Latest News<br/>";
    foreach ($  news as $  headline)
        echo "<img style='vertical-align: bottom; margin-right: 10px;' src='".IMAGES."template/req.png' width='21' height='20' />";
        echo $  headline['news']."<br/>";
<span class="headings2">MY FEEDS</span><br/>
if ($  numOfMessages <> 0)
    echo "<span class='headings_sub'>You have ".$  numOfMessages." </span>";
    echo "<a class='red_link' href='".ADDRESS."messages.php'> unopened Messages</a>";
     echo "<span class='headings_sub'>You have no new messages</span>";
echo "<br/>";
if ($  blocked_users > 0)
    echo "<span class='headings_sub'>You have ".$  blocked_users." blocked users</span>";
    //echo "<a class='red_link' href='".ADDRESS."messages.php'> blocked users</a>";
     echo "<span class='headings_sub'>You have blocked no users</span>";

<span class="headings2">MOOD BAROMETER</span><br/>
<a href="<?php echo ADDRESS; ?>barometer.php" class="blue_link">How does it work?</a><br/>
<span class="headings_sub">
    Mood Description<br/>
    <span class="<?php echo $  moodTemp; ?>"><?php echo $  moods['mood_desc']; ?></span>    <br/>
    Mood Colour<br/>
    <span class="<?php echo $  moodTemp; ?>"><?php echo $  moods['mood_color']; ?></span>

<form name="changeMood" action="<?php echo ADDRESS; ?>dashboard.php" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="FormName" value="change_mood" />
    <span class="headings2">CHANGE MOOD</span><br/>
    <span class="headings_sub">
        <?php echo $  aCleanPost['mood']['error'] != "" ? "<font class='errorText'>".$  aCleanPost['mood']['error']."</font><br/>" : ""; ?>
        Mood Description<br/>
        <input type="text" maxlength="32" name="mood_description" value="<?php echo $  aCleanPost['mood_description']['value']; ?>" class="blue_border"/><br/>
        Mood Colour<br/>
        <input type="text" maxlength="32" name="mood_colour" value="<?php echo $  aCleanPost['mood_colour']['value']; ?>" class="blue_border"/>
    <input style="margin-top: 5px; border: 0px; border: none; border: hidden; border-color: #000000;" type="image" src="<?php echo IMAGES; ?>template/go.png" />
<?php include("footer.php"); ?>

there is only one variable i need to refresh on this page: $ numOfMessages, as messages come in it must update so the user can see there are more new messages

please help?
thank you

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