Auto content slider with carousel thumbnails navigation in jQuery

(I think) I have thoroughly searched for it but didn’t find such a content slider, didn’t even actually see one implemented on a site.

What I am looking for is a content / news slider functionality (with auto sliding) that have a set of thumbnails below which can be used to select the slides. But the thumbnails should be a circular / infinite carousel .. only 5 will be visible at a time but there can be any number of thumbnails / slides. There would be arrows to navigate the thumbnails one by one. Even if the arrows are not clicked, since the slider is automated, when 5 slides are shown, the 6th thumbnail would automatically come and 1 will get hidden and so on. The arrows can also be used to move to the next slide.

I am putting up an image of the functionality needed if that helps.

Does anyone have a solution? jQuery preferred.

Any help would be appreciated. Even if any plugin can be modified to achieve the same, please let me know.

EDIT: Take the FeaturedContentSlider for example, is cool, but the thumbnails need to be more than 6 (in our case 5) and there should be carousel with prev/next options for the thumbnails. And the prev/next are not just for the set of preceeding/next (hidden) thumbnails, but for the prev/next slide in general.. when it reaches the end, the next thumbnail slides in

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