Get vimeo thumbnail from iframe

I want to pull an image from a vimeo file. This example pulls from a hyperlink

$  ("a[href*='/'], a[href*='']").addClass('vimeo').each(function () {
    var url = $  (this).attr('href'),
        regExp = /http:\/\/(www\.)?\/(\d+)($  |\/)/,
        match = url.match(regExp),
        vimeoVideoID = (match[2]),
        thumbImg = $  ('<img class="vimeothumb" width="268" height="171" alt="vimeo video thumbnail" border="0" />'),
        that = this;

    $  .getJSON('' + vimeoVideoID + '.json?callback=?', {
        format: "json"
    }, function(data) {
        thumbImg.attr("src", data[0].thumbnail_large);
        $  (that).append(thumbImg);

How can I change it to pull from <iframe src="" width="250" height="140" frameborder="0"></iframe>
instead of <a href=""></a> ?

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