Radiobuttonlist ? When I select a radiobutton I want to unselect by clicking again the selected radio button

Radiobuttonlist ? When I select a radiobutton I want to unselect by clicking again the selected radio button

I use < asp:radiobuttonlist and have 2 radio’s.. e.g. YES / NO.

I want to able to give to the user when he pressed YES or NO click should be able to undo by clicking again YES or NO.

e.g. user clicks on YES but he says no I will answer this later… So he can’t undo anymore… s(He) must choice YES or NO.

Is there a way e.g. when the user clicks on YES, yes is selcedted, when when he clicks again YES (radiobutto) that it should be unclicked…. results should be : yes and no should be not filled/clicked/selected?

I use asp:radiobuttonlist and I don’t want to add 3rd radio button as option. just want to able to give the user when he clicks again on the same or selected item it should be unselected….. RESULTS: Both or unselected.

I need to think in the direction Jquery. right?

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